Sunday, March 4, 2012

Interested in Helping My Classroom?

Interested in helping my first graders receive this listening center and listening supplies for our classroom? Well it's easy and you can. There's a wonderful site called Donor's Choose. They allow teachers to write grants for classroom supplies and add them to the site.  Anyone can donate ANY amount...$10, $20, $50.  Once the full amount of the project is funded, they ship the supplies straight to our classroom. Nice huh? This is the 3rd grant that I have posted.  This summer, donors (some of my closest friends, family, and classroom parents) pulled together to help me begin an amazing classroom library of leveled books.  Take a look...
My 2nd project for mp3 players was not fully funded before the deadline.  Which brings us to now...My 3rd project.  I'm trying to raise funds to purchase listening center items for my first graders to use on a daily basis.  You can find more details on how these supplies will be used by going to my project page HERE and checking it out.  Normally, I just purchase supplies out of pocket for my classroom which is what I have done in the past for listening center supplies. However, this new listening center is more kid friendly and allows multiple students to listen to a story at a time, which is what I need. I'd love for you to check it out and help if you can.  It's a quick and easy way to help support a teacher, education, and most importantly students. Another way that you can help is by sharing the project with anyone that you think may be interested in donating.  Here's the cool thing..right now you can use the code CHASE and Chase/Clear Channel are doubling donation amounts. Just Fabulous. Thanks everyone, I appreciate your support.

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